Oil Test Kit and Other Benefits of Working with Eurofins TestOil

TestOil, the industry leader in oil analysis, has resources for companies that want to get a fresh start with oil analysis as they ramp back up to full production. These resources include: same day oil analysis, onsite sampling, comprehensive test kits for DIY testing, oil program setup and evaluation, an expansive online portfolio of informational webinars, videos and articles and an expert team of analysts that are readily available for consultation and advice.
                TestOil President Mary Messuti said, “Everyone wants to get started on the right foot and one way to do that is to commit or recommit to taking good care of your machinery. For some companies, this will mean creating an oil analysis program for the first time; for others it will mean reinvigorating an existing program; and for still others it will mean taking a step back before re-engaging with their current oil analysis lab.”
For those companies that have never had a formal oil analysis program in place before, this is a great time to start—when everything is effectively at ground zero. TestOil’s experts have deep experience developing oil analysis programs for businesses of all sizes in a wide range of sectors. With help from TestOil, the new program will be up and running with the rest of the business. TestOil also offers TestOil NOW—a simple solution for smaller companies that just need a single analysis now and then. The TestOil NOW bucket contains everything (down to preprinted shipping labels) to get started immediately.
                Many companies already have an oil analysis program, but haven’t been following it for a while. TestOil can evaluate the program, provide recommendations and get the company back on track quickly.
Other companies have been working with the same oil analysis lab for years. The recent slowdown was the break they needed to assess what kind of service they have really been getting from their lab.
                “The TestOil name means remarkable service and expertise to its customers,” Messuti said. “Our goal is always to take as much off our customers’ plates as possible, while at the same time providing the expertise that allows them to operate with peace of mind 24/7/365.”
                If a company’s current oil analysis lab isn’t providing this, it’s time to contact TestOil; they make it easy to switch. In some situations TestOil can even pick up on trending where the former oil analysis lab left off.
                Although most organizations are pressed for time and eager to return their operations to full service, a comprehensive oil analysis lab will ensure the reliable and safe recommissioning of equipment. Partnering with TestOil will simplify the process and ensure seamless operations going forward.
                Download TestOil’s Protect Your Assets ebook.
With more than 30 years of experience in the oil analysis industry, TestOil focuses exclusively on assisting industrial facilities with reducing maintenance costs and avoiding unexpected downtime through oil analysis program implementation. As industry experts in diagnosing oil-related issues in equipment such as turbines, hydraulics, gearboxes, pumps, compressors and diesel generators, TestOil provides customers with a guarantee of same-day turnaround on all routine testing. With in-house, certified training professionals, TestOil offers lubrication and oil analysis training, private onsite training, certification training and exams, and educational webinars. For more information on partnering with TestOil on oil analysis programs or training opportunities visit www.testoil.com. Contact: 216-251-2510; sales@testoil.com.

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