Category Archives: Program Management

Used Oil Testing: Contaminant Analysis Tests

This post is about used oil testing for contaminants, one of three basic categories of oil analysis tests. Regarding the importance of this testing, Eurofins TestOil’s Matt McMahon, Oil Analyst III Field Technician, advises, “Generally, the early detection of contaminants provides actionable information to rectify and address issues before significant lubricant degradation and mechanical damage…
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Getting Started with Oil Analysis? Learn How Fewer Oil Changes Deliver ROI.

Interested in getting started with oil analysis? There will never be a better time than now. Eurofins TestOil oil analysis experts routinely save industrial customers both time and money with evidence-based advice on when and when not to change the oil at their plants.             One of the many ROI benefits of professional industrial oil…
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Fuel Analysis for Fleets: Which Fleets Need Testing?

Wondering if you need fuelanalysis for your fleet? If you want to ensure fuel quality, maximize uptime, reduce maintenance costs, and lower fuel costs the answer is a big YES. But not just any lab will do. Eurofins TestOil is the trusted laboratory of choice for more than 85 of the largest transit agencies nationwide,…
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Best Oil Analysis Lab: How to Choose…

Lubricant analysis is a critical component of predictive maintenance, yet selecting the best oil analysis lab can be a complex task. Following are 6 areas to consider as you decide on the best lab for your organization. 1.  Quality Quality is paramount when selecting a lab, since the accuracy of analysis can directly impact the…
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Fuel Test for Industry Offered by Eurofins TestOil

Ohio-based oil analysis company Eurofins TestOil announced a new test to determine the biodiesel content in conventional diesel fuel. The test was developed in response to requests by industrial customers needing to ensure the fuel they use meets OEM requirements for biodiesel content.                 Eurofins TestOil notes that the addition of biodiesel to conventional diesel…
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ROI of Industrial Oil Analysis: Eurofins TestOil Explains

Eurofins TestOil has great resources for demonstrating the ROI of each customer’s industrial oil analysis program and works with customers to determine the clearest path for them. The goal is to prove how oil analysis leads to cost savings and operational benefits that significantly outweigh the investment in the analysis program. Here are some methodologies:…
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