Category Archives: Program Management

Elemental Spectroscopy/ASTM D5185 Offered by Eurofins TestOil

Elemental Spectroscopy/ASTM D5185 Offered By Eurofins TestOil The presence of wear metals in oil can lead to oil degradation and may indicate the presence of an abnormal wear mode. Early detection through oil analysis can head off these issues. To that end, Eurofins TestOil offers tests for larger particles (>7 microns) and a test for…
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Karl Fischer Titration by ASTM D6304 Offered by Eurofins TestOil

Water contamination is detrimental to any lubricant. If a crackle test is positive, further testing is needed to quantify the amount of water by using the Karl Fischer Water titration by ASTM D6304.   Water can enter a system through seals, breathers, hatches, contaminated top-off oil and fill caps. Internal leaks from heat exchangers and…
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Oil Analysis Lab Offers Advice on Lubricant Storage and Handling to Prevent Deterioration

Oil Analysis Lab Offers Advice on Lubricant Storage and Handling to Prevent Deterioration You are paying top dollar for the best possible lubricants and are confident they will provide great protection for your industrial machinery. They probably will—provided you follow best practices for lubricant storage.                 Eurofins TestOil Lubrication Engineer Dwon Ruffin explains that there…
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Oil Testing Lab Eurofins TestOil Outlines 6 Ways to Improve Your Program in Datasheet

World-class oil analysis programs are ever evolving to incorporate new technologies and associated best practices. Because Eurofins TestOil professionals are often on client sites, we have an excellent perspective on this.                 To address some of the ways we think many oil analysis programs could be improved, we created a downloadable datasheet: 6 Ways to…
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EHC Hydraulic Fluid Testing Offered by Eurofins TestOil

Steam turbines are equipped with electro-hydraulic control (EHC) systems that face unique fluid challenges. Due to these challenges, phosphate ester-based fluids are often used in this application. Phosphate ester fluids are expensive, can be difficult to maintain, and are costly to dispose of. Because of this, Eurofins TestOil offers a specialized EHC hydraulic fluid analysis…
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Turbine Oil Analysis and Annual Report from Eurofins TestOil Annual Turbine Oil Analysis Report Turbines are expensive! In fact, for many businesses, they are by far the single most costly piece of equipment. Given this and because oil is the lifeblood of turbines, regular oil testing is important. Ideally, turbine oils should be monitored monthly with routine oil analysis. A routine test slate…
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