Recent Posts by Mary Messuti

Why Does Used Oil Need to be Analyzed?

Why Analyze Used Lubricants Selecting the proper lubricant, along with careful maintenance of that lubricant, is essential to ensure adequate protection to any component.  Proper lubrication is defined as the correct amount of the correct lubricant at the correct time. Maintaining a lubricant means ensuring that it is the correct viscosity and has the necessary…
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How Important is Oil Viscosity?

The Fundamentals of Viscosity The most important single property of a lubricant is its viscosity.  It is defined as a measure of a lubricant's resistance to flow.  The viscosity of any fluid changes inversely with temperature.  As temperature increases, viscosity decreases and as temperature decreases, viscosity increases.  The most common way that viscosity is measured…
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Interpreting Oil Analysis Results

How To Avoid Poor Interpretation Of Test Results 1. Train your maintenance professional Too often in oil analysis, the failure of a program can be attributed to the lack of interpretation of the conditions report and an inappropriate response to the results.  When this happens, valuable information is lost.  The reason for this can largely…
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How to Interpret an Oil Analysis Report

Interpreting an Oil Analysis Report Oil analysis reports contain a vast array of information about your equipment and lubricant condition.  Understanding how the oil tests are performed and what the test data means will allow you to get the most out of your Oil Analysis Program. The oil analysis report is a vital tool for…
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A Special Note of Thanks

A Special Note of Thanks To Our Most Valued Customers, As the seasons change and the days begin to shorten, I wanted to drop you a personal note letting you know how deeply I appreciate your loyalty and trust you bestow upon us by choosing TestOil as your provider for oil analysis services.  I understand…
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Proactive Maintenance Through Oil Analysis

Is Inadequate Performance Tracking Your Problem? Does your plant celebrate the speed at which failure is repaired or the lack of failure occurrences?  Think about the purpose of your maintenance program.  Is your main objective putting out fires or are you focused on predictive maintenance?  Many plants tend to celebrate how fast a machine is…
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