How To Monitor Your Turbine Oil’s Health

How To Monitor Your Turbine Oil's Health

Turbine oils, particularly those used in steam turbines, are expected to last 10 to 20 years. During this lifespan, careful monitoring of the lube oil's physical and chemical properties, together with common contaminants such as water and solid particles, is required and should be performed annually. This is true not just for in-service oils, but also for new oils, which must meet rigorous performance specifications prior to selection and use in a new application.

TestOil's Annual Turbine Analysis Report is a comprehensive turbine test package that provides a detailed analysis of the health of your turbine oil and contains the following tests:

Annual Turbine Analysis Report

Understanding Your Test Results

Our Annual Turbine Analysis Report is a 9-page analysis summarizing each of the tests we perform and containing a detailed explanation of each test result. The report also contains a summary of findings, as well as recommended actions as identified by our analysts. Click on the report cover above to view a sample report.

Learn more about our Annual Turbine Oil Analysis Report.

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