Why One Oil Sampling Point Isn't Always Enough The starting point of any great oil analysis program begins with obtaining representative samples. The goal of oil sampling is to maximize data density while minimizing data disturbance. You maximize data density by sampling in the right location with the right equipment at the right time. Often,…
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Why You Should Never Reuse Your Oil Sample Tubing
Why You Should Never Reuse Your Oil Sample Tubing Oil sampling tubing should never be reused. To avoid minimizing sample contamination a new line of tube should be used for each sample taken. A company recently hired me to train their samplers. The company used the drop tube method to collect their oil samples so…
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Advice for Improved Oil Sampling
Advice for Improved Oil Sampling Proper oil sampling is the foundation of any lube analysis program. Irregular sampling procedures and inconsistent sample locations will lead to data that does not reveal problems adequately, or is interpreted to identify a problem that does not truly exist, resulting in unexpected downtime or unnecessary repairs. Data interpretation depends…
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