Recent Posts by Mary Messuti

Establishing and Maintaining Your Credibility

Establishing and Maintaining Your Credibility Probably one of the most essential elements to any successful oil analysis program is credibility. After you establish credibility in a program, you must maintain the credibility. Any knowledgeable predictive maintenance person will agree that how internal customers view the program can determine if the program is a hero or…
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Justifying Your Oil Analysis Program

Justifying Your Oil Analysis Program As you put together any type of predictive maintenance technology like an oil analysis program, you need to justify the program.  One common way of justifying oil analysis is keeping records of all predictive oil changes, filtration requests, dehydration requests, and so on.  For example, the goal may be to…
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TESTOIL Revamps Varnish Potential Analysis Solution

TestOil Revamps Varnish Potential Analysis Solution Technical Bulletin New VPA Solution - More Of What You Need New Varnish Potential Analysis solution features several new test procedures and report upgrades. Two Methods To Report Particle Count One significant change to the test process is related to reporting particle counts by two different methods (pore blockage/optical). When…
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Testing the Reserve Alkalinity: Base Number

Testing the Reserve Alkalinity: Base Number Base Number (BN) testing is very similar to AN testing, except that the properties are reversed.  The sample is titrated with an acidic solution to measure the oil’s alkaline reserve.  ASTM test methods D-2896 or D-4739 are most commonly used to measure BN.  Measuring the BN can help ensure…
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Gauging Acidity: Acid Number

Gauging Acidity: Acid Number Acid Number (AN) is an indicator of oil serviceability.  It is useful in monitoring acid build-up in oils due to the depletion of antioxidants. Oil oxidation causes acidic byproducts to form. High acid levels can indicate excessive oil oxidation or depletion of the oil additives and can lead to corrosion of…
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Karl Fischer Water Test: Quantifies the Amount of Water

Quantifying the Amount of Water: Karl Fischer Water Test If a crackle test is positive, further testing is needed in the form of the Karl Fischer Water Test. The Karl Fischer coulometric moisture test is a series of chemical reactions discovered in 1935 by the German chemist Karl Fischer. This method analyzes water in the…
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