Oil Analysis and its Role In Equipment Reliability Selecting the proper lubricant, along with careful maintenance of that lubricant, is essential to ensure adequate protection to any machine. Proper lubrication is defined as a correct amount of the correct lubricant at the correct time. Maintaining a lubricant means ensuring that it has the correct viscosity…
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About: Mary Messuti
Recent Posts by Mary Messuti
Advice for Improved Oil Sampling

Advice for Improved Oil Sampling Proper oil sampling is the foundation of any lube analysis program. Irregular sampling procedures and inconsistent sample locations will lead to data that does not reveal problems adequately, or is interpreted to identify a problem that does not truly exist, resulting in unexpected downtime or unnecessary repairs. Data interpretation depends…
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How to Select Oil Analysis Test Packages

How to Select Oil Analysis Test Packages Oil analysis should be carefully considered. Different equipment have different test profile requirements. When determining what test packages to choose, the actual equipment and the surrounding environment should dictate what tests are appropriate. Keep in mind that with oil analysis your goal is to increase machine reliability through…
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TestOil Named A Weatherhead 100 Award Winner, Fifth Year In A Row!
TestOil Named A Weatherhead 100 Award Winner, Fifth Year In A Row! For the fifth consecutive year, TestOil has been recognized on the Weatherhead 100 list as one of the Fastest Growing Companies in Northeast Ohio. Last week some members of the TestOil team attended the annual Weatherhead awards gala where they accepted the award…
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Why Use Proper Lubrication Storage and Handling?
Why Use Proper Lubrication Storage and Handling? Having lubrication storage and handling systems in place is important as well. Lubrication products are expensive, so they need to be handled in a fashion that maximizes the return on investment. Make sure your storage and handling areas are clean, well organized, and climate controlled. You are responsible…
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How To Design A Successful Oil Analysis Program: Choose an Oil Analysis Lab
How To Design A Successful Oil Analysis Program: Choose an Oil Analysis Lab If it is determined that contracting an outside lab is the best course for your oil analysis program, care must be taken to insure that the lab is a good fit for your company. It is important to match a lab with…
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