Recent Posts by Mary Messuti

Why One Oil Sampling Point Isn’t Always Enough

Why One Oil Sampling Point Isn't Always Enough The starting point of any great oil analysis program begins with obtaining representative samples. The goal of oil sampling is to maximize data density while minimizing data disturbance. You maximize data density by sampling in the right location with the right equipment at the right time. Often,…
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How Much is a Shot of Grease?

How Much is a Shot of Grease? Answer: Generally, a shot of grease means one stroke from the grease gun. However, the output, or amount of lubricant dispensed from a grease gun depends on the model. Grease guns deliver widely varying amounts of grease (typically 0.1 ounce or 2 to 3 grams). Also, don't forget…
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Antioxidants Found In Turbine Oils

Antioxidants Found In Turbine Oils Each turbine oil has a unique formulation with regards to antioxidants, both in the type of antioxidants that are present and the amounts. Some turbine oils have only phenolic antioxidants, some have only amine antioxidants, and some have both amines and phenols. In each case, the lubricant manufacturer has tried…
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Keeping Your Oil Analysis Program Up to Date

Keeping Your Oil Analysis Program Up to Date Over time, any oil analysis program can become stagnant if few or no improvements are made. This can cause the program to lose value, as it may not fully support the plant’s improvement initiatives, such as achieving certain reliability objectives. What’s worse is that the program manager…
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Identify Varnish Potential and Avoid Unexpected Downtime

Identify Varnish Potential and Avoid Unexpected Downtime The lubricating oil in gas turbines and hydraulic systems is increasingly subject to the ravages of varnish.  The debilitating effects of varnish are well documented.  The complexities associated with detecting varnish potential render routine oil analysis ineffective in reporting varnish. However, there are a number of technologies, although…
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Compatibility of Turbine Lubricating Oils

ASTM D 7155 - Evaluating Compatibility of Mixtures of Turbine Lubricating Oils is Used as the Guideline for Compatibility Testing The method calls for two Tiers of testing. For Tier I, the method calls for preparing mixtures of the fluids to be evaluated, heating the fluids and the mixtures in an oven to a specified…
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