Recent Posts by Mary Messuti

Compressor Oil Testing Offered by TestOil

Compressor Oil Analysis—Basic and Advanced Tests It would be hard to find an industry that doesn’t rely on air compressors in some capacity. For power plants, mining, construction and many others, compressors are critical and so is the compressor lubricant. In order to ensure smooth operation a compressor’s pistons, rings, screws, bearings, lobes and/or vanes…
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Oil Analysis for Bearings with Microscopy Offered by TestOil

CLEVELAND June 22, 2021 -- TestOil, the industry leader in lubricant analysis, offers no-cost microscopy and analytical ferrography for oil samples that require further investigation. Microscopy measures the metallic wear particles in an oil sample using an optical microscope. TestOil Analysts count on it to flag conditions ranging from normal wear debris that needs to be monitored to…
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Gear Oil Testing for Additives

According to Suelen Rodrigues, TestOil Data Analyst, MLA I, the three most common gear lubricant formulations are those with rust and oxidation inhibitors (R&O), extreme pressure (EP) additives and those that are compounded gear lubricants. Each has the objective of optimizing gear lubrication. R&O: These additives prevent or reduce internal rust and corrosion by neutralizing…
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Leading U.S. Oil Analysis Lab to Present at STLE International Event

CLEVELAND April 30, 2021  TestOil, the industry leader in lubricant analysis, just announced they will be conducting two presentations at the prestigious STLE International Annual Meeting and Exhibition held May 17-20. Event sponsors include leaders in the oil and gas industry such as Shell and ExxonMobil and research organizations such as Southwest Research Institute.Heather Vercillo,…
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CLEVELAND,  April 20, 2021  TestOil, the industry leader in fluid analysis, is offering Consulting PRO oil analysis consultation service. This is an excellent means for transforming any oil analysis program into a more effective and efficient asset; increasing the reliability and availability of machinery while minimizing maintenance costs. Oil Analysis Consultant Micheal Shaw, a TestOil Consulting PRO…
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Used Oil Analysis for Marine Industries with Same Day Results

TestOil’s expert analysts have the experience with marine oils to conduct reliable analysis and deliver actionable results the same day they receive the sample. This is an excellent alternative to expensive and time-consuming on site testing and analysis.                 “We know the lubrication-related issues that marine industries face today,” explains TestOil Field/Data Analyst Matt McMahon.…
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