Recent Posts by Mary Messuti

What is a lubrication program audit?

TestOil conducts an end-to-end lubrication program audit of each customer’s lubrication-related operations. This audit encompasses the following areas: A review of storage and handlingSelection of equipment to sampleSelection of ideal sample pointsSelection of appropriate test packagesEstablishment of sampling frequency 1.  Review of Lubrication Storage and Handling Contrary to popular belief (and logic) new oil, no…
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How to Select Equipment for Oil Testing

Choosing the equipment to monitor boils down to a few areas that include: criticality; expense and safety; reliability; and environment and efficiency. CRITICALITY Criticality is often the biggest driver for selecting equipment to sample. Following are criticality considerations—ranked from the most to least imperative. Critical to overall operation and/or very high costs without redundancyCritical to…
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The lubrication monitoring team: Who should it include?

The make-up of lubrication monitoring teams varies depending on a number of factors such as the size of the business and the type and amount of equipment that needs to be monitored. Given this, two key members of any lubrication monitoring team are the Champion and the Mentor. The Champion The lubrication monitoring team is…
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Why start an oil testing program?

Why Start an Oil Analysis Program? The most significant oil analysis benefit is financial, but there are many other benefits as well. If an oil analysis program can increase reliability even incrementally—i.e. eliminate a single hour of downtime—that can justify and pay for the program itself.     Aside from ROI, a lubrication monitoring program will pick…
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Industrial Oil Analysis Lab Offers Livestream Discussion, Q and A

Interested in expanding your lubrication program maintenance skills? Need answers to questions that come up frequently in your workplace in areas such as test methods, test limits, effects of contamination, remediation, etc?  Need to connect with industry experts and colleagues across the U.S.?  Join us for a LinkedIn Live event! Benefits include: A great way…
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Outsourced Oil Testing Alleviates Maintenance Staff Shortages

TestOil, the industry leader in lubricant testing, offers  full oil analysis program services  through TestOil PRO; from  program development to regular onsite sampling. This is a welcome relief to the many companies that are currently facing maintenance staff shortages.                 TestOil PRO services include: oil analysis program initiation and development, program maintenance, on-site sampling, work…
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