
Oil Analysis Alarm Limits: Trending v. Static

Oil Analysis Alarm Limits: Trending v. Static At TestOil, we know that machine conditions are always top of mind for our reliability professionals out there. Today, we are talking about the difference between static alarm limits and trending alarm limits in oil analysis. Static Alarm Limits As the name suggests, a static alarm limit…
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Oil Analysis for Turbines: Eurofins TestOil Offers this Essential Test

Although turbine oil could last for more than a decade, it can start degrading long before that. Given this and because oil is the lifeblood of turbines, regular testing is important. While monthly oil analysis delivers a basic view of the oil’s condition, there are additional tests that should be performed annually to monitor key performance…
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Oil Analysis for Mining Operations Delivers ROI

TestOil, the industry leader in same day oil analysis, offers comprehensive lubricant analysis for mining that significantly reduces downtime for very expensive equipment operating in some of the world’s harshest conditions.            The biggest concerns in maintaining mining equipment health are wear and contamination. This equipment operates in demanding environmental conditions: continually exposed to the ingress…
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Fast Oil Analysis Results Rely on Accurate Machine Information

While Eurofins TestOil offers same day test results for most samples, it doesn’t matter how diligent and exacting the oil analysis lab is if they don’t have the accurate information necessary to efficiently process a sample. One of the key fields on the sample label is the type of machine that the sample was extracted…
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Oil Compatibility Testing ASTM D7155: Part 2: The Process

There are several considerations for determining the best compatibility test or slate of tests. Two of these considerations are: Decide if you will test your current in-use fluid with the replacement fluid(s). If you have one lubricant system that’s transitioning to a new oil, it’s a good idea to test the used fluid with the…
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Oil Compatibility Testing ASTM D7155: Part 1: Overview

Fluid compatibility testing is a critical process in industries, such as power generation, chemical manufacturing and agriculture. It’s an assessment as to whether two or more fluids can be mixed with each other without adverse chemical, physical, or performance-related issues. It can also be a requirement to meet certain safety and compliance regulations.Problems caused by…
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