Using Criticality to Drive Oil Analysis Strategy Oil analysis provides a huge payback when deployed through a proper strategy. While an extremely valuable tool in today’s reliability programs, it is sometimes applied in an ad-hoc manner. This is a dangerous approach, as the program can quickly become quite costly due to overtesting or even show…
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Removing Wear Particles Makes Sense
Removing Wear Particles Makes Sense "A customer of ours is using an external engine oil filtration device designed to take out contaminants down to the 1- to 3-micron range while not affecting the additive package. The customer now believes he can extend the recommended oil change interval from 250 hours to 1,000 hours. However, if…
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Reasons That Routine Oil Analysis Is Critical To Many Industries
Reasons That Routine Oil Analysis Is Critical To Many Industries Oil analysis testing is one of many types of critical preventive maintenance that must be carried out in order to ensure that piece of industrial equipment is kept in optimal working order. Across every major industry, from farming to manufacturing, there are numerous types of…
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The Value Of Oil Analysis Testing
The Value Of Oil Analysis Testing Any business that relies on heavy machinery to carry out their daily tasks also relies on things like oil analysis testing to actively monitor the condition of those machines. There are many industries that have to have some pretty expensive pieces of machinery running around the clock, and that…
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6 Steps to Update Your Lubrication Program
6 Steps to Update Your Lubrication Program In today’s culture of looking for high returns on investments, there are not many that can compare to a comprehensive lubrication program. Tremendous financial savings can be enjoyed by eliminating poor lubrication practices from an organization. Numerous financial losses are attributable to poor and inadequate lubrication programs and…
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Oil Analysis Testing: On-site vs. Off-site
Oil Analysis Testing: On-site vs. Off-site The first and often the obvious option is to have an on-site oil analysis lab to process all oil samples collected. There are many pros to this option. Turnaround time for results can be controlled in house. There is no dependence on an outside resource. Testing packages can be altered easily,…
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