Category Archives: Program Management

ASTM D130 Copper Corrosion Testing Provided by Eurofins TestOil

ASTM D130, the Copper Corrosion Test, evaluates the corrosive/tarnishing properties of hydrocarbon-based substances, including fuels, lubricants, and additives, on copper. This test is crucial for assessing fluid compatibility with copper and copper alloy components in equipment. It ensures that fuels meet corrosion standards and that lubricant and hydraulic fluids are safe for use in systems…
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Crackle Test for Industrial Oil: Simple, but a Great First Line Indicator

The routine Crackle Test reveals the presence of free or emulsified water, but not dissolved water, in oil. It typically detects water concentrations of around 500 parts per million (ppm) or higher. However, specific oils exhibit different crackle detection limits. Understanding the specific detection limit for the oil being tested is critical for useful results.…
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Test Fuel: Eurofins TestOil has Full Capablities

Fuel Testing Services at Eurofins TestOil Most fuel is clean when it leaves the refinery (but not always). Transferring it to trucks and storage tanks exposes it to contamination.  Sources include damaged caps, seals and gaskets, dirty hoses and deficient handling practices. Fuel is also vulnerable to hot weather condensation and cold weather ice crystals.…
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Used Oil Testing: Contaminant Analysis Tests

This post is about used oil testing for contaminants, one of three basic categories of oil analysis tests. Regarding the importance of this testing, Eurofins TestOil’s Matt McMahon, Oil Analyst III Field Technician, advises, “Generally, the early detection of contaminants provides actionable information to rectify and address issues before significant lubricant degradation and mechanical damage…
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Getting Started with Oil Analysis? Learn How Fewer Oil Changes Deliver ROI.

Interested in getting started with oil analysis? There will never be a better time than now. Eurofins TestOil oil analysis experts routinely save industrial customers both time and money with evidence-based advice on when and when not to change the oil at their plants.             One of the many ROI benefits of professional industrial oil…
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Fuel Analysis for Fleets: Which Fleets Need Testing?

Wondering if you need fuelanalysis for your fleet? If you want to ensure fuel quality, maximize uptime, reduce maintenance costs, and lower fuel costs the answer is a big YES. But not just any lab will do. Eurofins TestOil is the trusted laboratory of choice for more than 85 of the largest transit agencies nationwide,…
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