Category Archives: Program Management

Data Center Coolant Testing: Is it is Necessary?

Yes. The optimal performance and longevity of any data center cooling system are contingent on the maintenance and monitoring of the data center coolant. Reasons testing should be conducted on a regular basis, include: Additive Depletion: In order to prevent corrosion and improve thermal conductivity, the majority of coolants contain additives. The coolant's protective and…
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Used Oil Testing for Wind Turbines by Eurofins TestOil

Wind turbines are often subject to brutal forces, extreme rotational speeds, and unpredictable conditions. Because of this, optimal lubricant condition is essential for reliable functioning; making lubricant analysis necessary to ensure reliable operation, minimize downtime, and extend the life of critical components. WEAR OF KEY COMPONENTSThe wind turbine gearbox is generally considered the most important…
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Fast Oil Analysis Results Rely on Accurate Machine Information

While Eurofins TestOil offers same day test results for most samples, it doesn’t matter how diligent and exacting the oil analysis lab is if they don’t have the accurate information necessary to efficiently process a sample. One of the key fields on the sample label is the type of machine that the sample was extracted…
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Oil Compatibility Testing ASTM D7155: Part 2: The Process

There are several considerations for determining the best compatibility test or slate of tests. Two of these considerations are: Decide if you will test your current in-use fluid with the replacement fluid(s). If you have one lubricant system that’s transitioning to a new oil, it’s a good idea to test the used fluid with the…
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ASTM D130 Copper Corrosion Testing Provided by Eurofins TestOil

ASTM D130, the Copper Corrosion Test, evaluates the corrosive/tarnishing properties of hydrocarbon-based substances, including fuels, lubricants, and additives, on copper. This test is crucial for assessing fluid compatibility with copper and copper alloy components in equipment. It ensures that fuels meet corrosion standards and that lubricant and hydraulic fluids are safe for use in systems…
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Crackle Test for Industrial Oil: Simple, but a Great First Line Indicator

The routine Crackle Test reveals the presence of free or emulsified water, but not dissolved water, in oil. It typically detects water concentrations of around 500 parts per million (ppm) or higher. However, specific oils exhibit different crackle detection limits. Understanding the specific detection limit for the oil being tested is critical for useful results.…
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