Category Archives: Press Releases

Newsletter Sign Up

Want to stay in the know with what is going on at Eurofins TestOil? Don't miss out on important oil analysis program updates and our training opportunities. The newsletter is to keep our customers informed and not bothered by endless emails. Be on the lookout for educational webinars we have also started this year! [hubspot…
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Getting Started with Oil Analysis? Learn How Fewer Oil Changes Deliver ROI.

Interested in getting started with oil analysis? There will never be a better time than now. Eurofins TestOil oil analysis experts routinely save industrial customers both time and money with evidence-based advice on when and when not to change the oil at their plants.             One of the many ROI benefits of professional industrial oil…
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Reliability Contractor and Consultant Improves Plant Communication

CLEVELAND, Dec. 10, 2020  -- TestOil, the industry leader in lubricant condition monitoring, is announcing an onsite reliability solution, TestOil PRO, that drastically reduces disconnects between in-house reliability, maintenance and operations personnel.Program management challenges arise from a number of issues, including miscommunication, lack of time, loss of personnel and insufficient knowledge. TestOil Field Analyst Dwon Ruffin…
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Oil Sample Testing Lab Relies on Lean Strategy for Success

TestOil, an industry leader in oil analysis, credits its rapid growth and outstanding reputation to its disciplined Lean strategy initiative. The Lean methodology, about continuously improving work processes, purposes and people, is based on three principles: 1. Deliver value from the customers’ perspective. 2. Eliminate anything that doesn’t add value to the offering. 3. Strive for continuous improvement.
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Oil Analysis Kit: TestOil Offers DIY Solution

CLEVELAND March 24, 2020 TestOil, the industry leader in lubricant analysis, just introduced TestOil NOW, a sensible solution for smaller businesses, service sites, and plant operations that want to start incorporating oil analysis into their maintenance routines, especially during this period of onsite worker reductions. The complete test kit also includes provisions for extra sanitization.…
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