Routine Testing Is Always Completed The Same Day Samples Are Received.
Guaranteed Since 1988.
TestOil Customers Are Never In The Dark
TestOil processes samples the same day they are received. Our customers always know when they will receive their test results. There's no waiting around, no delays, no extra charges. We have built our business on providing same day turnaround and have guaranteed it for more than 30 years.
Same Day
No Charge
Data Double
TestOil has served this customer since 2008, processing nearly 70,000 samples for 25 different locations. They are a global leader in lightweight metals technology, engineering and manufacturing. The world's third largest producer of aluminum, the company has corporate headquarters in NYC.
TestOil has served this customer since 2000. This customer is a multinational conglomerate company that produces commercial and consumer products, engineering services and aerospace systems for a wide variety of customers.