Oil Analysis Data Analysis and Review Tool (DART)
One of DataSight’s most advanced tools is the Data Analysis and Review Tool (DART), a maintenance tool that gives customers complete and immediate access to all of their lube analysis data. DART greatly reduces the time involved to view, analyze and process the data from reports by bringing everything into one easy-to-use web-based interface accessible through DataSight™.
The tool allows customers to sort through their entire database using a variety of filters and searches. It is an interactive library…

Analyze on the Fly
Inside DART you can quickly review test results and monitor equipment in these important ways:
- Review equipment testing history
- Analyze machine condition
- Access and Review recent and past reports
- Update Corrective Actions
- Communicate directly with the analyst who processed your report

Powerful Interactive Tools
Inside DART you can quickly review test results and monitor equipment in these important ways:
- Review equipment testing history
- Analyze machine condition
- Access and Review recent and past reports
- Update Corrective Actions
- Communicate directly with the analyst who processed your report